Monday, September 17, 2012


I'm sure all men can attest to the fact that women are moody human beings, some more than the other. But today's blog post will be a teaching lesson for men in UNDERSTANDING when your woman is going through something called PMS ( Premenstrual syndrome) or PMDD ( Premenstrual Dysphonic Disorder) which is a more severe case of PMS. They haven't found the cause for PMS just yet, but it is speculated that , it stems from hormone changes close to a woman's time of the month. Some of the symptoms that affect women during this time are irritability, confusion, forgetfulness, headaches, breast tenderness, bloating, food cravings, clumsiness, fatigue, feeling sad, slow movements, anxiety, loss of sex drive, mood swings and a few other things. Some people think, oh it’s just all in your head, NO its not, when you start getting physical symptoms at a particular time of the month, you know it’s not all in your head. It usually starts 2 weeks before your time of the month, all of a sudden you just feel extra emotional. I don't even think some women have even ever heard of PMS, but it’s something that's real, people just happened to put a name to it. Some men don't know how to react to their women at this time of the month, it can be extremely frustrating to deal with at times and it’s frustrating for the women too. My recommendation for what to do is to try your best to be a little more sensitive to what she is going through, if she doesn't wanna be touched, just give her some space and don't take it personally, because she doesn't mean it in a personal way, which isn't entirely easy to tell if she does, but communication is key, if she tells you that's what she is going through, you should understand. For women, don't think you’re crazy if you go through this every month, a lot of women go through it, you're not alone. I am not a doctor, but I've been reading up on this for years.

PMDD on the other hand which i said above is a more severe case of PMS, the symptoms are almost the same as PMS, just more intense. Some of the symptoms are, depression, suicidal thoughts, problems sleeping, headaches, joint or muscle pain, breast tenderness, disinterest in relationships and activities, fatigue, tension, low energy, panic attacks, anger that affects people around you etc. This disorder usually stems from genes, if you have a mother, who has the disorder it would likely be passed on to you. There are medications that can be taken for these, as well as natural ways to help, like exercise, having a balanced diet, incorporating more fruits into your diet. It might not be easy to deal with but if she tells you she is going through this, and a fight might happen to be going on at this time for whatever reason, just give her a hug and a kiss and tell her you understand what she is going through, she will melt. Remember a soft answer turneth away wrath. Sometimes lol, just stating facts, some people are so coo-coo you try to be civil but it makes no sense, but that's another topic.


© Sarah Worldchanger Dominique